KCBASS has many items to sell to help raise money for the workshop fund. All of the proceeds goes towards helping us offer scholarships to any students that can’t afford the tuition fee. The 15 years of running the workshop has led to publishers, artists, Bass makers, Bow Makers, Strings Shops, and Bass stores all donating things to help make the events possible each year. We cannot say enough of these fine supporters. Most of which donate on a yearly basis in some form or another. We hope you shop here with us as we think it’s a win win. We do try to get any items you may want to buy. Please let us know. However, when we run out sometimes we run out. We are not a normal business as this is all volunteer work.
To donate to the workshop please donate in link below or mail a check made out to kcbassworkshop to 5304 Russell St. Mission kc. 66202. Large donations will get an automatic receipt and small donations please just ask for one.
In most cases shipping is $5 per item except for larger items. Taxes will be collected on most in state items sold. In some cases taxes may apply.
Bassmas t shirts $30 for single size and 2 for $50 ( can be any type of t shirt we offer).

Order yours now and help raise money for Bassists 4 Bassists $30 (or with any donation over $100) designed by local kc artist Marco Pascolini and Made in kc by local Goex.org which is a non profit organization. We call that a win win! Limited editions means limited supply.
Rabbath Artwork: Ruthie Ingram (kc artist) was so moved by Rabbath’s performance she painted this portrait of him while performing at KCBASSFEST. We surprised him by giving it to him at his concert the next summer. Now it hangs in his Parisian Home (see picture below). Ruthie loves the bass family and wanted to donate reproductions of the painting to help raise money to the kcbass foundation. The poster size is is 32H X 24 W (inches) and you can download a pdf of it to see how amazing it is. We have sold these posters worldwide and she titled it the Sound of the Bass. You may also get a reproduction `that look just like the original done on Giclee (canvas) in three different sizes. These are $300 for 48H X 36 W (the actual size of the original), $205 for 32H X 24W, or $130 24H X 18W (shipping fees are approximately $10 USA destinations and worldwide would have to be determined). These look good in Bass studios, practice rooms, performance spaces, and Night clubs. They make great gifts for your bass player in your life.

Over the course of 15 years our t shirts (design by Marco Pascolini) have drawn a lot of attention. We usually give one shirt with each enrollment but, many of the bass supporters love to have one of their own. It’s a great way to support the workshop. Note: the odd sizes are harder to come by but, ordering sooner is a sure way to get one. note: We have some older shirts so please let us know if you’d like to refresh an old one. (depends on the year of course).
Live around the world Francois Rabbath Cd $15 per Cd
This cd includes Poucha Dass, Reitba, Iberique Penisulaire, Ode de Espagne, Ordis, Briez, Kobalds, La Guerre Et La Paix, sete Quate, and more.
Multi-Bass’ 70 Francois Rabbath Cd $15 per Cd
includes L’Odyssee D’Eau, Incantation Pour- Junon, Paga Georges, Briez, Pochas-Dass, Sete Quate, War and Peace, and More.
Carmen Francois Rabbath CD $15 per Cd
includes Carmen Fantasy (five movements), Incantation Pour Junon, Reitba, Concerto no. 3.
Two miniatures (Reitba and Incantation pour Juno) $22
The best way to stat on Francois solo pieces two of his most treasured but good for anyone Vol. 2 of George Vance to try.
Double bass solos by Francois Rabbath $22
This collection includes Poucha-Dass Ode de Espagne, Crazy course, Sete Quate, Equation, Briez, Iberique Pennisulaire, Koblads, and Paga Georges. Some of these pieces have been reprinted in vol 4 and 5 but, many this is the way to get them.
Cello suite no. 1 in G major by J.S. Bach edited by F. Rabbath $22
The original fingerings and bowing from Maestro Francois Rabbath. The art of the fingering has never been more on display. This edition is great for all students that are finishing George Vance vol. 3.
Carmen Fantasy by Frank Proto $24
Possibly one of the most popular bass concertos. This edition is in standard tuning and with piano accompaniment. This includes all five movements. The piece was written for Francois and is featured on two recordings as well as live DVD performance.
Nine Variant on Paganini by Frank Proto $24
The next concerto written for Francois by Frank. This one is quickly becoming the concerto that everyone must play. This version is in standard tuning and with piano. This is also featured on CD and live DVDs. Francois cadenza is published in Rabbath vol. 4.
Bow Works by Caroline Emery $40
This amazing new book by English young bass teacher really is a great addition to the George Vance book. It really helps with string crossings for the advanced player as well as is a great way to address making your sight reading better.
Jamming on the Bass vol. 1 Hard copy $30
Jamming on the Bass vol. 1 digital copy $20
This book was made by Johnny Hamil because George Vance asked him to make a improv book that could go along with his books. This book is great for the upright/electric doubler who wants to know how to go from playing by ear to learning music theory. Great songs to learn by Shortin Bread, Bass Blues, Funky Toe Jam, When the Saints, Amazing Grace, Little Light of mIne, Greensleeves, summertime for bass, and more.
Laborie Carbon Fiber endpin (black) $85
This endpin is all black and really nice looking. If you are looking to replace your old one and or just try the angled endpin for the first time this is a great way to do it. The endpin does need the hole to be drilled into the bass at the correct angle. The pin itself will need to be cut to the correct height. The faculty of kcbass can help you make this choice.
The Way Back by Lloyd Goldstein $30
This book has lots of really fun bass solos you can play either written by Lloyd or arranged for his unique and awesome occupation. The Way Back, Stand by Me, Lean on Me, Little Light of mine, Breathing song, Let it Be, and more. Please get your copy of this great collection.
We are currently waiting on restock of Rabbath Vol 2-5 and Trombes D Eau. We hope to have them by the workshop dates. If you need these pieces before the dates please visit some of our friends to see if they have them. KC Strings Liben Music, Quantum Bass, International Society of Bassists store
We have many more titles so check in with us as we just have not enough time to put them up here at the present. We also from time to time used or gently used instruments that can be sold to fellow bass players. The items posted here would be looked over by Johnny Hamil and the price would be set so that it would be a win win. The seller would then donate a small portion of the price to the workshop. Please send email to hamiljohnny@gmail.com if you are trying to sell something.