This is a list of independent people selling instruments, bows, or bass equipment much like the want ads/marketplace. All items listed on this page means the person selling is going to help support the kcbassworkshop, have been a supporter or donor of the workshop. Usually the seller is a student or participant KCbass and/or Johnny Hamil bass studio. This makes this page a little bit better than if you were on public places. It also means that the price will be made that it should be a win win for both seller and buyer (usually the instrument was bought long ago and the new price is much lower than the current price).
If you are someone that has such an instrument you’d like to sell please send a message to KCbassworkshop is a 501(3)C and all donations go towards making great bass events happen in the kc metro area.
Johnny Hamil is looking over the instruments and helps them price it so that it becomes a win win. KCBass doesn’t take a sales commission as is usual process for any string store/location. This commission is usually 20 percent or more of sale price. The seller usually will make a donation in this ballpark but that part is totally up to them.
KCBass doesn’t provide a guarantee that the bass is a great deal however in Johnny’s history of helping students get instruments it probably very good. He will always give you his opinion on them if you ask. You are buying the instrument from the seller directly not thru workshop or Johnny.
We usually advise you to get the instrument checked over by a trusted repair person (usually Johnny makes the seller fix anything by a known repair person before it’s gets listed).
We also want to make sure you insure your instrument thru either your home owners or ISB instrument insurance programs if your purchase is significant amount of money. Without the insurance you do run the risk of having your instrument (investment) vanish before your eyes. Like the cost of wood it is rare that the value of these instruments do nothing but go up in cost. Many of these prices reflect the amount the student purchased the bass for 10 plus year ago thus making them very good deals in today’s current pricing.
Current Basses, bows, and items for sale: All prices are US dollar amounts any shipping costs would not be included in the price.
Gilles Duhaut Bow for sale here in KC. Gilles is a long time supporter and friend of the workshop. He has worked with Francois to develop this bow type. So it’s a fantastic bow. We have it in KC for anyone who would like to try it. Nothing beats using this amazing bow to find out how to get to your next level of playing. The bow price you will have to ask Gilles but, the last one that got sold here was 5000 euros. Many of my students have these great bows as do many of the kcbass faculty. He also usually as amazing apprentice bows (he teaches students to learn bow making and these are their bows). His wife Helene is making great bows. All of these bows are less price wise. Please inquire about what we have in KC as sometimes we have a few of all levels. This is a great resource for all of us to learn more about great bass bows.

2007 KCStrings fully Carved student model bass in the shape of Rabbath’s bass. These are the type that Johnny recommends to all of his students. This one has brass KC strings tuners. Bent endpin installed. good Case included. Realist pickup, Bow quiver included. $5000 asking price. Current value for same instrument at KCStrings is 550 series $9,200. The person that bought this bass now has a pro bass and used this sparingly as his bad weather bass. The seller really just wants to pass along the savings to a future musician.

2005 Anton Krutz 3/4 size professional bass. This was the first 3/4 size bass Anton made and it’s an amazing bass. Great for jazz, orch, and solo playing. The asking prices is $30,000 and the current value of the price is $46,000. The owner is now in his part of life that he is not playing professionally and is buying his own home. Thus they are looking for a nice new home for this great bass.

Amazing sounding bass and very easy to play. . the detail in woodworking is amazing. Andres Martin, Lynn Seaton, and Jessica Valls all performed on this bass and loved it. Has straight endpin or drilled hole (Rabbath endpin).

Complete with KCstrings brass tuners. Look at that woodwork!